Paul and His Letters 1 – Pre-Course Work

PRE-COURSE WORK for the First Part of “Paul and His Letters” (You may write your answers either in English or in Finnish):
Return the pre-course work by 14.2. to

  • Read thoughtfully through Acts chpts 7-28, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
  • Pastor Mikael Toll writes to the students: “I am really looking forward to spending time with you in February. Together, we will take a deeper look at what the powerful epistles of Romans and Galatians say about various issues, especially those related to salvation. Before we meet, I would like to ask you to do the following pre-course work:”Read the blog concerning the salvation in Romans ja another blog concerning falling from grace in Galatians 5:4. Choose one of these articles and write a 2-page essay answering the questions from that article below (choose one):

 Questions concerning the article about the Salvation in the Book of Romans:

      1. What are the different meanings/aspects of the word salvation in general?
      2. What is Bob Wilkin’s view of salvation in Romans?
      3. Do you agree or disagree with Wilkin, and why?

Questions concerning the article about the Falling from Grace in the Book of Galatians:

      1. What are the different views on Gal 5:4?
      2. What is Charlie Bing’s view on Gal 5:4?
      3. Do you agree or disagree with Bing, and why?
      1. Missä tilanteessa Paavali kirjoitti 1. Tessalonikalaiskirjeen?
      2. Mitä vaikuttimia Paavalilla oli 1. Tessalonikalaiskirjeen kirjoittamiseen, sen mukaan mitä näet kirjeestä itsestään ja mitä N.T.Wright sanoo?
      3. Millainen suhde Paavalilla oli Tessalonikalaisiin?